Roll Air Metering Sizing Machine
Outline :
This sizing machine is arranged in the inclined form. Applicator roll is arranged in upper-lower structure; centers of both rolls deviate by 120mm in the horizontal direction.
From front drying part, paper web can enter wedge shaped sizing zone formed by two applicator rolls, go through surface sizing and then enter rear drying part. When paper web enters sizing zone along the line of centers of two rolls, two-sided sizing is available. If dip angle of paper web into sizing zone is changed, one-sided sizing can be carried out on either side. Both are chrome plated rolls; the top roll is fixed and the bottom roll is loaded by pneumatic bellows. Both applicator rolls are equipped with glue vats. Sizing quantity of paper web can be adjusted and controlled with vacuum suction device and gap adjustment device. Two-point drive.
Supplied as a whole machine, sizing machine is classified into left hand machine and right hand machine according to drive position.Facing paper delivery direction, right hand machine has drive position in the right, and on the contrary, it is a left hand machine.
Main technical indexes:
Speed: 10-600m/min
Web width: 600-2640mm
Sizing weight: 10-25g/m2
Arrangement form: inclined form
Sizing form: one-sided or two-sided
1.During metering process, glue film doesn’t break. Finished film is even and surface performance is good.
2.Metering process and spreading process are mutually independently, so as to improve some features of paper after spreading, such as air permeability of air filter paper.
3.No mechanical friction occurs during metering process.The equipment boasts long service life, simple operation and maintenance.
4.Feed liquid doesn’t splash, so as to ensure good working environment.