Curved roll

As we all know, the smooth running and stretching of the paper sheet is inseparable from the function of the curved roller, and the stable operation at high speed constantly also become an …


这款产品主要用于造纸行业,因为空气翼技术在输送带的表面产生负压,使得运行的纸尾部紧紧吸附在输送带上。 其技术原理是压缩空气通过输送带下方的叶片吹出产生的气翼效应。这种气翼效应确保穿线设备以最…

On-site spraying & Problem Solving

In October 2021, our team went to Zhuhai Hongta Renheng Packaging Co., Ltd. to prepare for the on-site spraying project of the dryer for Hongta Renheng. During the on-site spraying, our on-…

Teflon sleeves

Teflon sleeves are widely used in industries due to their good anti-sticking properties. As the speed of paper machines and requirements for paper quality continue to increase, the performa…

Vacuum Cylinders Spray for Corrusion Problem

Stabilizer rolls, also known as vacuum cylinders, wind rolls, VAC rolls, UNO cylinders, etc. During use, due to the influence of the cleaning agent and the scraper of the dry net, the surfa…